
Showing posts from September, 2021

Canvas Exercise: Shapes with Radial and Linear Gradients

  Today, I got the opportunity to play with shapes and gradients in DreamWeaver. The purpose of my work was to create six different shapes: three with radial gradients, and three with linear gradients. One thing that I would do differently is make my piece more cohesive; all of my shapes (except for the upper left-hand rectangle with the triangle and the middle pyramid with the rectangle in the background) are completely independent of each other. Nonetheless, my project accomplished its main goals and I am proud of what I created.  

ASCII Selfie

    This selfie I created using, a free ASCII art generator.   


     Hello! My name is Sydney Poniewaz. I am from a suburb of St. Louis, Missouri and am currently attending the University of Tampa to study film and media arts. I come from a family of creatives: both my brother and my dad are musicians. I, unfortunately, have a terrible singing voice and no musical talent, but I have found my passion instead in visual storytelling.      Film has always served an important role in my life. I believe that it is a vital tool not only to gain an understanding of yourself, but also the world around you. I am excited to participate in FMX 210 this semester, and feel incredibly lucky to have this opportunity to grow as a filmmaker and as a person.